Driver's FAQs

Driver's FAQs

Of course. Some of our drivers work only for a few hours on weekends and thus, benefit from extra earnings. To select your availability status and display it to customers, click on the ‘Online’ button.

Customers pay you either cash or via the Tareeqk App. In the latter case, payments are transferred in your favor as you deem convenient, whereby they are either credited to your card or deposited into your bank account. In case you do not hold a credit card or have a bank account, do not worries, we can always transfer the amount in your favor via Alansari exchange every month.

We do not have any mandatory payments. In fact, before buying the package, we offer your two months of subscription for free. After that period, you only pay the fees that become due upon placing the order, which amount to 7% of the cost of each trip. Contact us for obtaining more details.

Subscription needs five minutes only. Upon subscribing, we will play a 30 minutes training video at our premises. Nonetheless, we accept your application for joining the team remotely in some cities, given that you provide us with all the required documents.
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